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CSK-146 , CSK 176 core barrel for triple tube exploration core drilling

Created on:2023-06-25 21:01

CSK-146 , CSK 176 core barrel for triple tube exploration core drilling


CSK-146 core barrel


The CSK-146 Wire-Line core barrel with standard borehole diameter of 146 mm and core diameter of 102 mm, was specially designed for coring in a wide range of formations, from soft to extremely hard or broken.

The CSK-146 is the most employed Wire-Line system for exploration drillings in mining and tunneling.

The CSK-146 impresses with its very rugged and low-wear material and therefore enables a very high durability.

As all Wire-Line system core barrels, the CSK-146, is completed with its corresponding Overshot ensuring correct placement of the inner tube in holes water filled or dry hole.

The resulting design gives the CSK-146 OVERSHOT many advantages like positive latching at any borehole angle or reliable operation while coring under roughest conditions.

Note: The rods to be used with this system will be Geo-Line rods, with heattreated rods being highly recommended.



Size Hole (mm) Core (mm)
Geobor S 146 Triple Tube Core Barrel 146 102