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Atlas Copco 3"-5" COP Backhammer

Created on:2021-07-12 11:47

Atlas Copco 3"-5" COP Backhammer 

COP Backhammers. The COP Backhammer is a tool that can save and re-cover a drill string stuck in a hole, it can be easily fitted in a suitable tube joint between the drill support and the rotation head to provide an effective combination of backward hammering and vibration to loosen stuck drill strings

What is a DTH backhammer?

If you are interfering with any drilling tool in the drilling process, a backhammer will save you time and money.

The backhammer can be mounted on the drill pipe connections between the bore grippers, swivel head, thus creating an overall effect of effective reverse and vibration.

Robust and reliable, the backhammer is made up of a three-piece and plastic housing that acts as both an emission guider and has a spoiler above the rear window. For maintenance, it is only necessary to kecp it clean and tie the section we protect when the backhammer is not in use.